October 2020: Bold Moves

Pregame players don’t sit on the sidelines.

You’re here because you’re all about big ideas.

And the actualization of big ideas requires nothing less than bold moves.

When my little brother was in his early-20’s heyday, he had a friend nicknamed Bold Dave. I thought this was hilarious and asked where he got the name. The explanation: “Because he’s always making bold moves.”

While Dave’s bold moves may have been about [moves removed to protect Dave’s reputation], his moniker stuck with me. I tend to hesitate, trying to make the “perfect” decision, but when I look back on my life, the best things have come from my bold moves.

20 years ago today I made the boldest – and most rewarding – move of my life, moving to New York City. I had no job, no apartment, and no plan, but the strength of my big ideas carried me through the obstacles and changed my life.

This month at The Interview, our free livestream series, I’ll be interviewing people who are making bold moves in their communities: activists and public servants whose passion and conviction has led them to put themselves out there and battle both inner doubt and outer haters. Join us.

We’re honored to feature the bold colors and shapes of this month’s featured artist, Jerry Anderson. May his bold vision inspire you.

What bold move can you make this month? If not now, when? 

Don’t worry, we’ve got your back.

Strategy & Style,

Artwork © Jerry Anderson.