Pregame Most Valuable Player Awards 2020

pregame champagne

It’s been a year like no other, and we are incredibly grateful to our members who stuck with us to the end as we all adapted our businesses to the new (ab)normal.

I’m proud to report that Pregame members have not only survived this year, they’ve thrived. Our clients have stayed in business, launched new projects, increased their revenue, hired new team members, and leveled up their game in marketing, sales, management, productivity, and much more.

Best of all, we’ve done it all with a deeper level of support for each other’s personal wellbeing and growth.

On that note, we had to take our annual New Year’s gift of custom bubble bottles to the next level!

This year, we recognize not just our clients, but the personal characteristics that got each of them through the year: courage, perseverance, generosity, optimism, and much more.

So check out this video celebrating Pregame Members and their winning moments of 2020!